CMV: The modern remakes of older Disney movies (the new or upcoming Beauty and the Beast, Jungle Book, Lion King, Aladdin, Mulan, etc.) have never been exciting or good or hype-worthy and reflect a complete bankruptcy of creativity as well as a sickening, cynical and blatant greed on Disney’s part

read my other comments but:

it's not a zero-sum game - disney is huge and can make new IP and old IP movies at the same time

disney tried to make sequels of all of these movies direct to home video. it didn't work out for them financially. probably because these stories are all archetypal and self-contained. we all know lion king is macbeth - how do you follow that up with something? do you do more shakespeare? why even try when you already have lion king? and there are sequels like star wars, you could sort of put marvel in that category.

It comes off as lazy and greedy on the part of Disney

i mean it comes off as shrewd and playing it pretty safe. your frame of reference is off - disney doesn't have a mandate to make great movies, they have a mandate to make money. if great movies make money, great. in this climate it makes more sense to generate income from what they already have. i laugh at these 'lazy' comments because it takes so much work to make a movie and to do what disney does. greedy? well you don't have to pay for it. people are doing so because they want the product. if i make a sandwich and people want to eat it, is that greedy?

The potential scenario where every year has a bunch of remakes and very few new movies coming out starts to seem like a real possibility if the behaviour is encouraged,

this has been the case for more than a decade now....

I don't support most of them because I do not want to encourage any lazy, money-grabbing approach that has the potential to reduce the new, creative output of movie makers.

again you need to read up on the current market. disney is doing this as a reaction to the market, it's not creating the market.

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