CMV: 'Neckbeards' and 'Nice Guys' are gross and deserve every bit of ridicule they receive

I think it comes down to whether you are typecasting people. If you were to encounter an overweight man with and unkempt beard and a Star Wars t-shirt who tries to flirt with women by calling them “m’lady” are you going to wait for evidence that they are actually entitled, egotistical, misogynists or just assume it preemptively.

The fact that you list a set of characteristics that easily apply to handsome charming jocks, but mainly use “nerdy” stereotypes to label them really makes me wonder if it’s actually just nerds and dorks that you don’t like. And hey, that’s understandable, I mean they’re unpopular by definition right? Doesn’t seem quite fair to saddle them with behavior that more popular types show just as frequently though.

I know I’m much more likely to think of the football team than the chess club when you say “misogyny,” and they both have narrow obsessions.

/r/changemyview Thread