CMV: Noam Chomsky's work published in the book Understanding Power is not good intellectual material for people who want make the world better.

Blah blah blah. You give no information in your entire post. You use dopey philosophical statements to confuse people

In the book Understanding Power, Chomsky probably gets the facts right, but his narrative is too pessimistic to encourage any kind of positive action.

What is his narrative? Why is it unrealistic? Say something meaningful, ya fucking wing nut .

In fact, he says something like "If someone says that they want to be president, don't ever listen to them again."

What a stupid remark! Don't put something like the quote in quotes and then call it a fact. You're smarter than that, lazy leftist!

The task of changing the world order and giving more power to more people is not easy but the work from that book make it seem impossible.

How does the work from that book make it seem impossible? Why do you think so?

All you do is blab. Do I have to do everything for you? Lazy leftists.

I have not yet read the whole book but I don't imagine that there is a twist at the end that makes the narrative more optimistic or at least realistic.

Why is the narrative unrealistic?

/r/changemyview Thread