CMV: Our society is too sensitive about women, overprotective of their feelings

Your argument is weak because it is primarily based on anecdotal evidence, and heavily centred around what you have experienced here on reddit, a website with a select demographic. Overall, the internet represents only a certain demographic. You cannot say that this is a societal problem when you are receiving evidence from a small sampling of people. However, I realize that this point will not sway your view, so I will address certain claims that you have made.

First of all, I think you may be treating people depending on how you inaccurately think they will react. The comment that you did not post,

the women here are ugly or otherwise unappealing likely would not have been interpreted as "douchey." It is very obviously a joke, playing on the stereotype that generally internet (or reddit) users can posses or display social awkwardness, in part due to unattractiveness.

You also mention a thread you found on, again, reddit, where some women were criticizing a male for his anxiety. This is in no way okay for anyone to do, regardless of gender. Anxiety cannot be controlled. However, from what I've seen on /r/askwomen, they are very supportive of people with depression and anxiety. Do you perhaps have a link to that thread? Here is a thread that supports what I have said. So, basically, that kind of anxiety-shaming is pretty rare and it looks like an isolated case.

Hell, even saying you won't date a girl because of weight is looked at with a certain disgust. Women can totally say they don't want to date a short guy though, they can spit on short guys all they want.

Two keywords here: won't date a girl because of her weight compared to don't want to date a guy because of his height. Typically, when girls say they prefer taller men, that's just it: a preference. But as you have demonstrated, guys can often rule out dating an overweight woman all together.

Shaving is an individual preference, however, it is simply unrealistic to believe that women will be cleanly shaved all the time. Additionally, in your example, you say that a woman should shave her legs, as if it's her responsibility, but shaving is -- again -- an individual decision. This topic is huge, though, so if porn hasn't ingrained clean-shaven women in your mind, then I suggest that for a further insight much more elaborate and convincing than mine, you can research this particular topic.

My uncle had a girlfriend that would stomp on his toes with her high heels under the table when she wanted him to shut up. She clawed his back up majorly several times

This is called abuse. The fact is that men abusing women is more common than women abusing men, though this by no means lessens the damage of men's abuse (from this website)

*1 in 3 women and 1 in 4 men have been victims of [some form of] physical violence by an intimate partner within their lifetime. *1 in 5 women and 1 in 7 men have been victims of severe physical violence by an intimate partner in their lifetime. *1 in 7 women and 1 in 18 men have been stalked by an intimate partner during their lifetime to the point in which they felt very fearful or believed that they or someone close to them would be harmed or killed. *Women abused by their intimate partners are more vulnerable to contracting HIV or other STI’s due to forced intercourse or prolonged exposure to stress.

As I said previously, the stats don't lessen the damage and this is a legitimate problem that feminism is attempting to solve. It is a feminist issue because when a woman abuses a man, it is often not taken seriously because women are considered weaker than men, thus the man is not in any danger. Feminism aims to disprove this antiquated stereotype, attempting to gain justice for both abused men and women.

How many men in Saudi Arabia are worried about the doghouse or what their wife forbids them to do? Women get the doghouse in those countires, and its not sleeping downstairs on the couch, its probably an actual small shed in the backyard with a leesh and a foodbowl with their name on it.

Wow. I honestly don't even know how to respond to this. Wow. It's no wonder that people ask you what year it is.

I remember looking at a thread on /r/askwomen where a girl was asking how to deal with a certain situations. In English class the teacher was going over romeo and juliet or some shit and asked the class what your ideal mate would be like. The boys were talking about hour glass figure, great body, stuff like that. She said it made her feel so uncomfortable.

There is a logical reason why this would make any girl uncomfortable: she is discovering that these boys only value girls, like her, for her body (and it has to be a perfect body!). Your example with the teacher and Marlon Brando is different because it is quite likely that none of the boys can relate to Marlon Brando. They do not feel as if the teacher is looking at them with specifically sexual intentions. I'm sure if the teacher was talking about a male student, it would be a completely different situation, and the boys would be extremely uncomfortable.

yet cunt has a huge weight to it.

Exactly. That's the problem. Whenever "cunt" is used instead of "dick," the insult just became much heavier. A woman's body part is considered an extreme insult compared to a man's. Additionally, there are often other connotations attached to "cunt," primarily weakness.

I don't think a lot of people will disagree with me that girls feelings are far more protected and people are more critical of men.

You're right, sometimes girls feelings are more protected than guys, but that stems from patriarchy and the concept of masculinity/femininity. Essentially, those concepts say that girls must be protected because they are inherently weaker due to their emotions. Today, of course, this has been slowly taken down, though we still see evidence of it. I do disagree that people are more critical of men, however. For example, women interested in male-dominated fields, like computer science, have to prove themselves to colleagues and are overall criticized more simply because they are not men. If you want a reddit example, I was reading a thread on /r/askreddit where a female mechanic talked of her difficulties with customers because she was a woman. There is criticism on both sides. The two examples I gave outlined the experiences women may face, but there are some areas where a man could face more criticism. This is largely due to gender stereotypes, as I have already mentioned.

Imagine a bunch of men getting together to burn rulers? Would be laughed out of town. I repeat: you are treating people depending on how you inaccurately think they will react. I seriously doubt that people would laugh at this, and if anything, it would be supported, most of all by feminists.

The very existence of subs like /r/gonewild and /r/gentlemenboners are commonly referred to as examples of reddit's anti women-ness. Do you see how little a man can do without being guilty of something? How much would a woman have to do to be considered by everyone to be anti man? This somewhat resembles the unfair suspicion blacks get from law enforcement.

This is a non-sensical argument that largely sounds like complaining. Where have you heard that /r/gonewild and /r/gentlemenboners are an example of reddit's misogyny? I have never been to either sub but from what I know, women can post pictures of themselves on /r/gonewild. If they want to do that, then that's their choice. How is this sexism?

Judging from your comment history, it appears that your self-esteem is quite low, and so you have thus resorted to playing the victim, claiming that you are being criticized harder, when perhaps you should be attempting to ground yourself in reality and work to gain self-confidence instead of pinning blame on a whole group of people. What you display is unhealthy behaviour, and it could possibly benefit you to see a professional about this.

/r/changemyview Thread