CMV: Owning printed books is ridiculous.

I cant afford an ereader. I won an ipad a few years ago and it's still kicking. But i cant get into books i read on it as easily. Maybe its the screen or the way it feels in my hand or the fact that its hard to flip thru the pages when im getting distracted to glance a head a bit to pull me back in and regain my focus. I dont actually read ahead, just look at the chapters and how long they all are. It serves no purpose but to refocus. I dont get the same affect on the ereader. Something about flipping the actual pages.

I cant share my ebook with friends as easily. And not a copywith any notes i may have written in it.

The library was my favorite place as a kid. I didnt have a lot of friends and was picked on at school. Being surrounded by books felt safe. It was fun looking thru each self trying to pick only the 10 my mom would allow me to bring home. It was exciting. I get the same feeling at book stores. I dont get that browsing thru amazon or itunes. When i was a toddler my babysitter forgot me in a library and i was happy as could be when she found me. And i was not a normally happy child, i cried a lot im told.

One day i want a house with a library in it or at least to own a library. I dont read books more than once but i like to have the books i enjoy. I just like knowing they are there. I want my future kids to read the same copies I do or to be able to read them if i for some reason cant buy them then. I like them to be books i own so i dont worry about ruining them.

I like the feel of the pages in my hand, i like being able to right in margins if i want, i like flipping thru the pages when i feel im losing focus. I like to own paper books because i enjoy them.

I have no problem with ebooks. Or people who prefer them. I know they make screens that would probably help my inability to get into books on my ipad. But i enjoy and can afford the occasional paper book more than i can a kindle and ebooks.

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