CMV: Reddit picks on fat people because they are an easy scapegoat and socially acceptable target for hatred, not because of any legitimate concerns.

You think you are. I really don't think you are. I'm sorry.

No need to apologize, your opinions are your opinions, no matter how incorrect.

You parrot "self-control" as if it's a defined quality. It's not. It's a product of hugely complex signals feeding in from all over the body, and subject to the interaction and contribution from all of them.

It is a defining quality. The defining quality.

You are completely unwilling to believe that for some, the level of self-control needed to maintain a weight below obesity is very hard work given the timescales involved.

Not at all, I realize and appreciate the difficulty involved. However, it is possible, and do able. I do not accept that as a reason for "fat acceptance".

Excuses. See, I can do this too!

Strawman. It's not excuses if I'm succeeding. (While difficult, I am succeeding)

Better than you, I think. OP stated exposure to having to eat makes self-control difficult. You implied she should starve herself to lose weight - that's about as an effective weightloss routine as cutting off a limb.

My English is excellent. I implied that the controlled limiting of food intake will have the desired effect, and backed it up with a source.

Your propensity to obesity is defined by many things, of which some are hereditary (or social, or economic, or epigenetic, etc). Individually these components are not defining factors, merely heavy influences. Clear?

Ignoring your condescension, I've never disagreed with this. Heavy influences. They do not make you fat, they simply make it easier to be.

I think you fit the definition fairly well, I wouldn't say it was.

Tu quoquo.

I think this entire post can be distilled into the gulf between your attitudes to gaining weight and your attitudes towards her for not losing it.

I disagree.

You seem incapable of empathy.

I'm not overly empathic by nature, but I am to a reasonable extent.

/r/changemyview Thread