CMV: Technical writing should be a core part of the standardized high school English curriculum. If not, high schools should offer technical writing as an alternative English course.

Or it should be branched into multiple sections, technical and historical/philosophical studies. But there is a thing, most people builds interest in disciplines in early school days, it's basic human behaviour - early background and experiences shapes you and your interests, so if the only thing we get introduced is centuries old philosophy and history embedded in english courses, that's what most lilely people will become. And I agree technical writing is more useful in many ways, especially when we live in technology century, the more people know, understand, the better. This topic touches so many issues at once.. Big corporate monopolies pushing consumerism to the maximum. To their eyes, the dumbier the poeple. the better the sales are, so that gives an inclination of why nothing is progressing, education system is the same for centuries and not getting better. Just thinking out loud, not trying to make a point.

/r/changemyview Thread