I am not sure infatuation is the correct term, personally. While I'm sure some people exploit the phenomenon of mental illness for their own gains, I'm pretty sure we'd be seeing a lot of
Society is structured around the assumption that individuals have agency and can be held legally and morally culpable for their actions. The phenomenon of mental illness disturbs that paradigm. I If people are simply 'choosing' to be mentally ill, then society has to penalize them so that they will have the incentive to behave. If it is a genuine illness, however, then it is at least partially out of the individual's control and society has the obligation to either intervene or adjust expectations. Mental illness, in other words, muddies the ability to assign responsibility for individual failures to meet certain standards of achievement and behavior, destabilizing a lot of the underlying assumptions supporting societal attitudes toward behaviors towards things like criminality.
This means that the concept of mental illness could be hijacked and abused by a lot of genuinely bad people. That's reasonable to worry about and I think a lot of people are hyper-vigilant about picking out individuals who seem to be doing this. Integrating the ramifications of mental illness into our societal schemas of personal agency is going to be a difficult process and maybe we'll never do it in a way that's fair to everybody.