CMV: Twitter was wrong to ban Milo Yiannopoulos after the Leslie Jones incident

I disagree here because if what he did constitutes a ban, half of Twitter should be banned.

Nothing Milo did comes close to the vile nonsense I've seen from the anti-GG crowd back when I used to give a damn about that.

If Twitter won't ban other people who are more explicitly being asswipes and are very blatantly inciting harassment, then why ban Milo?

I come across some form of 'kill all whites/cops" daily which is in my opinion a lot worse than everything milo has ever done, these individuals are never banned and never at risk of being banned.

I know I won't find much agreement here but Twitter has a very blatant left wing bias. If you believe milo deserved his ban, then fine, but I can direct Twitter to a few hundred thousand users who probably should have had the ban hammer first and they didn't because they support far left wing ideology. I was personally harassed off Twitter for retweeting the release date of a game I loved but one that was apparently very mysoginist. Twitter did nothing about my reports.

I think the real debate isn't whether milo should have been banned but whether Twitter has a bias and an agenda it is actively pushing. No doubt milo did the wrong thing, so why target just milo? People have been engaging in harassment before milo ever got on Twitter so why him?

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