CMV: It is unethical and should remain illegal to beat up animal abusers, even when it's happening in front of you.

Not the OP of the comment, but to simply dismiss a point by saying it's "irrational" is not an argument. Explain why it's irrational.

Personally, my dog/cat/etc. have personalities, they feel emotions, we have a relationship that is meaningful to the both us. It doesn't matter whether or not you'd save a persons life over your pets because that's not at all the point of the argument. If a guy had a gun to a pedophile and my dog and had to kill one, is it so unbelievable I would save my dog?

Eating meat may make you a partial hypocrite for disliking dog/cat abuse, but that doesn't automatically devalue their belief. Instead of having to stop caring about dog/cat rights maybe that person should start to care about cow/pig rights. The reason the dichotomy exists is because we grow up around certain animals and form emotional connections to those while there's a disconnect with others.

To me it sounds like you generally don't have a relationship with an animal and lack the perspective of those that do.

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