CMV-When it comes to trans/non-binary acceptance, the phrase "do your own research/it's not my job to educate you" is counter-intuitive to how people learn about other groups. This does more harm than good.

The phrase is counter-intuitive. Particularly so in the case that the resources themselves are not directed to. However, there is a great burden on the people who would have to provide this information, and it would typically be towards people either hostile or careless about them to begin with.

This is hardly something people want to deal with because they are, in the vast majority of cases, not interested in making sure they are doing as much good as possible. Most people are really more concerned simply with avoiding doing bad and otherwise are busy living their own lives for themselves.

Now if you were to tell me that everyone should aim to make friends with everyone and put up with maximum bullshit at all times in order to achieve human solidarity and world peace because we're actually all good people who just make mistakes every now and then, that would be something I couldn't be bothered to change...but at the same time humans are absolutely known to hate each other enough to use military force to establish colonies for the purpose of exploitation, and I'm not going to tell myself any time soon that whoever the people that did that were simply having trouble with being willing to recognize them as people to form a human connection to cease their behavior.

/r/changemyview Thread