Coders of Reddit, how do you politely refuse your friend's 'million dollars app idea'?

You see how willing they are to donate time from their chosen profession for your personal benefit. Then you give them equivalent effort in exchange.

Example: i had (past tense) a friend who was a lawyer. He would never help me with anything related to the law, even though he clearly could. “Could you review this NDA a company is making me sign and see if there are any red flags?” “Well you see if something goes wrong with my advice, i don't want it to come between our friendship”. Another time “could you help me draft paperwork for contract work in case i want to get into that?”. Nope same thing.

“Hey bored of reposts, can you help me with me program my yoga training application?”. Or “hey lets get into short term lending, wcgw?” Nope!

/r/AskReddit Thread