Cohen, Trump’s Ex-Lawyer, Investigated for Bank Fraud in Excess of $20 Million

If Trump is not publicly put down, I have serious doubts about the future.

Each previous public crisis left legacy behind them: in some ways the US in the current crisis are still fighting the ghost of the Civil war with the confederate flag, the north/south division still vivid in the booth. But for me no public crisis was as disastrous a result as the Watergate : the US/Ford let Nixon get away. It clearly tainted the institution of the presidency since / put out the idea that the president is kinda above the laws. And you still find the influence of the same ultra dirty brand of politics : stone is still in the loop, hell - trump himself got mentored by Roy Cohn.

And considering how blatantly corrupt Trump is, how much he publicly attacked democracy a failure to get him would be unrecoverable I think : I doubt there will be a case more clear of impeachment. If the system doesn’t work now then it will most likely never work. It wont straight out collapse but it will be definitely “bent”.

For the sake of the Republic Trump has to go down.

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