College is going to start in a week, any advice?

Great advice here, tradingsexcormemes nailed it.

I'd only add the chemical side of college:

Don't abuse alcohol. It's been a staple of human society, but you don't see many people getting black-out drunk after college. If somebody my age drank like a college kid, we'd have an intervention. The problem is after college some percentage of college kids don't stop drinking like college kids, and it gets really sad. The black hole of alcohol abuse is visible to all those around it because it's such a destructive force.

Try to get through college without smoking cigarettes. College (and the military) is one of the major times in life people start smoking. At first, it's just Fridays or just when-I'm-drunk, and then 15 years later you're so deep in addiction that you don't know what life is like without them.

As for class, learn how to study.
For ever class, find a way to pre-study what the topic is going to be about. There will be assigned readings (read that stuff!) but also find some youtube or other media to support the topic. If you ever show up to class not knowing what's going to happen, it's too late. When you pre-study, you'll understand the topic and the vocabulary, and you'll develop specific questions to either study or ask about. Then, studying later will make a lot more sense.

Meet as many people as possible. Don't confine yourself to the first group you meet. At first you'll feel like you're besties with your dorm mates, but don't be afraid to explore social groups. Join social groups! If you're into Anime, biochemistry, and crossfitt, you'll be pleasantly surprised to find an Anime club, biochem club, and a crossfit club, and the single best part of college is to be surrounded by people your age with similar likes.

And remember that nobody "likes" alcohol, it's the chemical liking itself. The only thing to like about drinking is the decreased anxiety and stress, but there are other more safe and more sustainable ways to do that. And the best part about each cigarette is that each one stops the withdrawal process you go through every hour.

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