College RA's or Police: Whats the most memorable event you've had with college freshman?

RA here. On my second night of my duty shift I experienced something I’ll probably never forget. A girl, call her Amber, walks into the office and asks us to check her out. We were confused because why would we be checking someone out when we are only 2 or 3 weeks into the semester? We didn’t ask questions and went with it. When walking upstairs my shift partner asked if she minded telling us why she was moving out. Apparently she had studied abroad over the first 1/2 of the summer (We have a summer A and B term). Where she studied abroad the semester was longer, so Amber got back about a week into summer B, meaning she could not take classes. The resident hall here is absolutely empty over the summer, less then 1/2 of the rooms were filled, we had people that didn’t even go to the school staying there just to have a place to live while they did an internship in the city. Despite all of that our housing department told her she had to move out because she was not taking classes for summer B. Upon hearing this we stop and call our supervisor to see if there is anything we could do at that time to stop this. Besides the fact that it was unfair, the girl lived 12 hours away in another state, didn’t have enough money to drive home, and had a terrible relationship with her parents. As you might’ve guessed we as RAs couldn’t get anything done and had to check her out that night. Her roommates let her stay over that night and I haven’t heard from her since. I have never ever before had someone so nice, brave, respectful, understanding, and as positive as possible in such a shitty situation. Since that day I feel like I’ve never been the same, one of those things that really made me understand how lucky I am, and how there’s always the little things to be positive about. I hope she’s doing well.

TLDR; has to move a resident out oddly early, found out housing was kicking her out for the biggest BS reason, and she was the nicest most positive person through it all. Life changing experience

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