Think college students are privileged? Nearly a third are hungry and homeless

Ok the entitlement here is ridiculous. I finished undergrad a few years ago, and I'm about to finish med school. My parents are very poor, so I studied my butt of to get scholarships at a less prestigious university in lieu of Hopkins, which offered me no scholarship and where tuition was 4x more expensive. I also go to a public Allopathic (M.D) school cause its also nearly 3x cheaper than a private med school. Would it have been nice to be born to rich parents? Sure. But instead of hating or living outside my means I made good choices based on my situation. I'm not that much older than them, but kids these days need to accept their situation and work with it. If you are not bright enough for a scholarship then you are going to have to work or be crushed by debt.

But there is something you can do. You can maybe make it easier for your own kids, thats what evolution is all about. My parents had it more difficult than me but they strived to do what they could. Likewise, maybe my own kids can go to Hopkins if they want. This is parr of growing up. You go from demanding things for yourself to looking for ways you can help your own kids :)

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