Comment 1-2 hero/es you want to learn, and let someone else give you some good starting points

Hello! Mirana is my most player hero, and I sit at around a 70% Winrate with her with around 80 games played (all in the Very High skill bracket except when playing with 1k friends.) Support Mirana is generally played one of two ways: the first is duo roaming with a Bane, Shaman, or any other reliable stun, and the second is camping mid and throwing arrows at their mid player until you win the lane. From there, decide on your skill build. If you want to play more of a hard 5 position, go the 0-4-4 build and level stats over starfall, as starfall is abysmal without a lot of levels and requires you to get close (This problem isnt as pronounced as it was a few patches ago though.) You should generally go for arcanes to help your mana pool, then either a force staff or a glimmer. If you want to play her as a greedy 4 that scales, maxing starfall is a must for the farming speed and burst damage, so go a 4-4-1 build, maxing either skill first, but going 0-2-1 at level 3 because level one arrow damage is abysmal. After that, you can go for a Drum for the strong all around stats or a Midas for levels and to catch up on farm. Then build into standard agi carry items. On 4 position, a bottle is recommended to sustain your farming and roam. With either build, you either get one point in your ultimate or max it depending on how important the cooldown decrease is that game. The main purpose of your ultimate is twofold: as a pseudo smoke, or during smoke ganks to remain invis when smoke breaks. Depending on your enemies, it may be possible to use as an escape after a lost teamfight as well. As for hitting arrows, most people move in a more or less set pattern during the laning phase. If you can decipher this pattern, then arrows will be much easier to hit. Another piece of advice is to maximize the amount of time that the arrow is in fog so your enemy has less time to react. Think of yourself as a sniper, hiding behind enemy lines to pick off their most important heroes. Hiding on the enemy side of the map behind trees and using smoke to move undetected are key parts of your early game. Other than that, arrows need to be practiced. If you don't have natural prediction skills, focus on developing your game sense, you can generally predict what most skilled players will do. There is a LOT of luck involved sometimes though, so if you have a bad game, don't sweat it.

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