Community Wishlist MEGATHREAD

Is there gonna be a clientside anti-cheat soon? I mean no disrespect or anything, just wanna know because i love this game so damn much, its something new, fresh and definitely made for me, thats why i play this game still, even tho ranked is unplayable due to hackers. Any other game and i would just quit, i've never witnessed hacking problem on this scale in any game that i've played. I know that any pc game has hackers and always will be, but there is a difference when hackers are under heavy suppressing fire and only most dedicated cheaters cheat, and when there is fairfight and pretty much anybody can just download free esp(wallhack) and use it. Hackers that i encounter daily, are not even subtle, they have very offensive names, nazis, notorious rapists or just a name that states clearly that they are hackers like "iamcheater" and they wallbang everybody in every round, they have no need to hide that they are hackin. Today i encountered team that only hipfired, insta headshot with every bullet and ofc through walls, and after i said something to them they just insulted and said something about 10 000$ headphones. This is really annoying since it's not even rare to meet this kind on players. In casual too i've encountered increasing amount of cheaters, they are quite rare in casual but lets say if i play 6 hours some day only casual, 3-5 are hackers, and i want to clarify, im not here to tell about people that are little fishy because they are too good, im here because of those really blatant cases. Its clear that some hackers are subtle and play smart with their hacks, and thats problem too. I've noticed that because cheaters run so rampant, everyones default is " if they are better than us, they are hacking " and that is ripping community apart too". English is not my native language so im sorry for that, but i hope that i've made my point and question clear. And lets be clear, lack of anti-cheat is pretty much only thing that makes me super pissed, everything else is pretty much perfect and i believe that you will get netcode and hitreg in perfect order in time. But if the anti-cheat is not coming soon, the pc community will not hold long, bug, hitreg and netcode we can take, but this hacking problem we cant take for long, almost everyone that i know has stopped playing because of hackers, and again i want to clarify, not because of some fishy dudes, but because of those blatant offensive hackers that has been running rampant for months.

Hope that you wont dismiss my message as stupid rant, that was not my intention, wanted you at the ubisoft know that we love the game, but we hate the fact that you cannot hold the hackers at bay. I'm not the only one who feels this way, just please let us know that are you going to do something, and is it going to happen fast? Because pc community cannot take this much longer, that is a fact.

/r/Rainbow6 Thread Parent