Compared to the fan outrage at casting an African-American in the role of Johnny Storm, did any one complain when the same thing happened in Daredevil?

What an utterly stupid response to an innocent reply.

It is illogical for one sibling to be completely different color. Are you arguing against this? Do I have to explain to you that usually siblings from the same parents are very much the same color? All I implied is that its weird that they would have a brother and sister be two separate races - which is PERFECTLY NORMAL for anyone to think is weird.

Explain it with adoption, fine. That twinges something inside of a comic book guy like me just because it's changing the source material. In much the same way that I get annoyed that Ultron was created by Tony Stark in AoU instead of Hank Pym. Yeah, it annoys me, but not enough that it would stop me from watching something. Why? Because if you are adapting source material, just use the story that is provided - there is already a built-in fan base that will appreciate it. Notice how that had nothing to do with anyone's race. Race does not equal story. Changing a brother/sister relationship would be.

Stop making drama where there is none. Stop your stupid, childish backhanded way of calling me a racist. Stop assuming you know anything about my thought process. Stop assuming I don't accept adoption, when I could really not giving even the slightest of fucks on who is and is not adopted. Stop assuming that two siblings of different race would make me feel anything other than a passing thought of "oh that's weird that they decided to cast two different races for brother/sister." I guess I had no right to express this thought when it was the subject of the thread. Silly me.

And what the hell does this even mean? "Still holding onto that issue, huh? Even though we've told you why your issue is a non issue, you still want to hold onto it. You now claim that it's illogical that one sibling is white." I've never spoken a word about FF on this site. Of that, I am pretty certain (though not 100%) so who the hell do you think you are talking to.

And finally, I'm terribly sad that you somehow construed racism because I made a joke about renaming it "The Fiz" which is OBVIOUSLY a reference to them renaming the wizard of oz to "The Wiz" for an all black cast. They renamed it, not me. I just made a reference to it.

Get rid of whatever bug is up your ass, it's causing you to be so damn hypersensitive.

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