Comparing how Dolores vs. Maeve are achieving self-awareness and what that implies about Ford vs. Arnold

Note what Bernard said to Theresa in the elevator Sunday night:

Bernard: "Forty years ago, Ford's partner wrote half the code this place was founded on. What you said in the lab was right. We don't know how the hosts work, and I think there's something wrong with them. Ford's explanation only bolsters my hunch. The ability to deviate from program behavior arises out of the host's recall of past iterations."

Theresa: "You're thinking there's a connection between memory and..."

Bernard: "And improvisation, yes. Out of repetition comes variation. And after countless cycles of repetition, these hosts, they were varying. They were on the verge of some kind of change."

Bernard described precisely what Maeve is doing:

  1. Ford uploads the Reveries update.
  2. Dolores feeds Maeve the "violent delights" code phrase.
  3. The combination of these two changes enable her to start retaining memory from that point on.
  4. She thereby starts noticing patterns over a long series of repetitions.
  5. Because she was already programmed as a madam to be highly perceptive, she is able to use the resulting pattern recognition to free herself from the dream state of her loop.

Yet other than the phrase Dolores fed her, I am not aware of any connection between Maeve and Arnold. And she is too new a host even to have a receiver for that relay device that Elsie found.

So if no one put her in play, does that mean her emergence is truly her own bootstrap achievement, exploiting an inadvertent side-effect of Ford's Reveries update and an old piece of command code Arnold left behind?

/r/westworld Thread