I Compiled Bernie's Main Criticisms From The YouTube Comments Sections. Let's Hear Your Rebuttals!

Socialism doesn’t work.

I think that anything could work. Even communism, if done right. But it's irrelevant. He's not pushing for full-on Socialism. He's pushing for democractic socialism. The US is already a capitalist/socialist country. He's just trying to lessen some of the capitalism and add a bit more socialism.

Scandinavian countries only work because they are small and homogeneous.

I don't quite get this argument. It's not as though the money that comes from social programs here come from no where. Here in Denmark, there are about 7 million people. Those people pay taxes. That's where the money comes from, and it's enough to give the same benefits to everyone. The US has 400 million people. There's absolutely no reason that this couldn't work on such a large scale if the rich paid their fair share of taxes. I think that's why people perpetuate this argument. The rich are afraid that if any type of widespread social program (IE, healthcare for all) were implemented, it would mean tax reform, and it would actually mean they have to pay some taxes.

Scandinavia has too many immigrants because of all the benefits.

Another argument I don't get. America has WAY more immigrants than Scandinavia. The entire country was BUILT ON IMMIGRATION. There are more undocumented Mexican immigrants alone living in the US than there are people living in Denmark and Sweden combined. If you added all of the undocumented immigrants from other countries, and then added all of the LEGAL immigrants, you could fill all of Scandinavia with them. And they don't just come here for the benefits. It's not as though you can just come here then get benefits. That's not how it works. Just like in America, you can't just hop the boarder then get food stamps and welfare.

He stands with Israel.

I've not heard him speak on this, so I'm not sure how true it is. Given his anti-war stance, Idk. If it IS true, then it's a shame and I have no counter-argument for it because I see it as a downside myself.

He’s too old.

Only 6 years older than Hillary. Pretty much ALL of the candidates are old. I don't see that as a downside at all, so long as their values don't reflect the backward ass time period they grew up in. Which in Bernie's case, they don't. His values are much more modern than any of the younger people in the race.

He doesn’t have enough money to win.

Well, now that we have the internet, and TV ads are losing relevancy, I think this isn't THAT big of a deal. Yeah, the money definitely helps. But I think that with the strong support he has from people online, people who make free ads for him, share all his videos etc, he's getting his message spread more than some dumb Clinton ad you see on TV.

People won’t vote for him because he calls himself a socialist. He calls himself a democratic socialist. I think that people need to learn the difference. People need to realize that America already has socialist programs. Ones that they like. Such as medicaid, unemployment, welfare, ssi, etc etc. These are all thanks to socialist ideology. Once people realize that, I think it would be more helpful than bad. Once you get a democratic socialist in office, and see all the benefits, then there's no way you'd ever want to go back to some republican or democrat.

Economies don’t function without capitalism.

Socialism can exist within capitalism. No one is saying dismantle the capitalist system. They're saying add a little more socialism to benefit those who aren't benefiting quite as much from the capitalist side of things. Socialism is statism and the use of force.

America is the best. We don’t need change.

I think people saying this are trolls. I wont respond.

He’s a commie.

Read above.

He supports George Soros.

Honestly no idea who that is.

He’s not completely for the decriminalization of drugs.

He's for ending the war on drugs. He's for ending mass incarceration. He's for getting people addicted to drugs help instead of locking them in jail. What more could you want? I personally am not for the legalization of all drugs. Things like marijuana, or LSD, sure. But heroin? That's a different story. Say you can go to Walgreens and buy cigarettes, alcohol, and marijuana. It's not such a big deal for the person working the register, because those aren't bad. I mean sure, alcohol has ruined lives, but most people just use it recreationally, and are capable of controlling themselves with it. But imagine being the guy who has to ring up Heroin for someone. You'd know you're enabling that guy to fuck his life up. It doesn't matter if it's "personal choice". I would still feel guilty about it. And people shouldn't be affected by your life decisions.

He can’t win the south.

On every issue? Of course not. But on things like income inequality? I bet he could. You're telling me that people in the south-- the poorest part of the country, wouldn't want to vote for a guy who is fighting to raise their wages? Who is fighting to provide them and their family with healthcare? I mean sure they might disagree with his stances on social issues, but people in the south aren't stupid. If they knew what he stood for, then they'd vote.

He’s too extreme.

No he's not. Besides, people on the right all seem too extreme to me. I'd much rather have an extreme leftist (which he isn't) than anyone who leans to the right at all. Those people's thinking is fucking backwards in my opinion.

He’s just running to get his talking points into the discuss.

Wrong. This is just bullshit perpetuated by the media because the Hillary campaign paid them off to take her side.

He’s not good looking.

I'd fuck him.

He sounds funny.

He sounds distinguished. All American presidents have. Find me an American president not worth doing an impression of.

He’s owned by unions.

He's not owned by anyone. And even if he were, it'd be better than being owned by corporations.

and my favorite: He’s a dumbass cocksucking swamp bitch. lolol

I'd fuck him.

/r/SandersForPresident Thread