Considering moving to Boston, can someone tell me some positives and negatives?

Pros: It is beautiful in the spring. Lots of small privately owned bakeries, ethnic restaurants, and grocery stores and shops.

Cons: If you are coming from an open and friendly culture such as Southern Cal, The South, Caribe, South America for example, you may be shocked at how insular Boston culture is.

Search Google with Keywords "Boston is a shithole", and "Boston, unfriendly to outsiders". Worse yet, it isn't that they are making a choice between being friendly, open and outgoing towards strangers...... and turn inward only to associate with their own family or network. They don't even know they are doing it! I have burned 9 years of my life here and made almost no friends even though I have gone out of my way to make friends. I have lived in a lot of different cities and have never encountered such a closed insular society.

Another con. If you are not interested in sports, you will have to put up with constant references to it, and radio shows, TV news et al.

Another con. It is very expensive to live close in. Not just the rent, but groceries are outrageously priced at Stop n Shop and Shaws. If you can get to a Market Basket you will find overall prices a good 25% less.

Another thing: there was an event that took place here some time back and we had a situation where people were rousted out of their homes and 4th amendment rights violated by men with machine guns and tanks marching up our streets. The locals were all so happy and thankful that the police and DHS and all the other law enforcement had saved them from a lone man who may or may not have been armed. The locals gave no thought to the fact that their rights had been violated and that for about 18 hours we had been subjected to martial law.

So don't expect to be living amongst a very informed or enlightened public here.

Boston drivers: This is so bad words fail me. Just be careful not to make any jackrabbit starts when the light turns green because there may be someone making a ruthless illegal turn in front of you. Traffic rules you learned in another state probably will be meaningless here, although the cops are pretty friendly and hands-off.

/r/boston Thread