Why consoles are better than PC for SOME people

Here's what a lot of people realize. If i use a controller online in BF4, Im going to get fucking rekt. Why? Because a mouse is far more accurate, it would be unfair. Im sitting way back playing on a 60hz TV, while someone on the other team is playing on a 144hz monitor with a gaming mouse. Im not going to stand a chance. On console, everyone has a controller, some people have scufs, yes, but thats not as big of an advantage compared to a gaming mouse.

Would i really tell the difference? Apparently you cant tell the difference from 720p vs 1080p from like 5 meters away on a 50 inch TV, so i dont know if i would notice. Also, if someone could put together a rig for the price of $625 that will run AAA's at 1080p 60fps 6 years from now, please sign me up.

My freetime is very limited. I have work and school, im not home for very long. Like i said, i play for about an hour a day, building a PC would take me like 6 hours. That could be time put to something like studying or working extra hours.

Trojans/Viruses are not hard to get at all. Even just clicking the wrong link can get you malware/adware.

No, no no not at all. Unless you have an SSD. If you've got 700 GB worth of games on Steam, which many people have, its gonna take a long time. Maybe a few minutes to get the game running? On the PS4 the games up and running in 1 minute.

I personally couldn't give less of a shit for mods. I myself play some games on my laptop every now and then. The only game i actually enjoy mods in are L4D2, as it adds a crap ton of free content. Why would i ever want to play as a turtle or something shooting tacos out of a minigun in GTA V? Texture mods are cool, but like i said i dont care that much about graphics. As long as its 900-1080p im happy.

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