Convicted murderer of six Israelis elected as Palestinian mayor of Hebron

You may not want to admit that Palestinians are second class citizens but your claims show that you believe they are. A whole group of people should be treated like terror suspects simply because they are born of a Muslim mother? As if being Muslim is itself sufficient evidence.

Your simply wrong about Israeli citizens perspective, they do believe that Palestinians are less human than they are. They openly admit it. I have met Israelis who say so, seen/heard them say so in documentaries and it is blatantly obvious from they way they treat Palestinians.

You can't place security above human rights. There is no doubt that some Palestinians are terrorists but treating them all as if they are from birth is wrong. That attitude breeds more terrorists.

I put rockets in quotes because they rarely hit targets. Some certainly have done damage and killed innocent civs, but Israeli weapons have killed 10x more civs. As the more developed people with far superior technology Israel should be trying a lot harder to not kill civilians.

The U.N. and most of the westernized world agrees that Israel needs to change its ways, but support from the U.S. largely prevents that from happening.

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