I want to be convinced!

Hi! I'm posting a great response by /u/No_Fence from another post:

Hey Hillary fans! If you want to change your mind, you're not alone. No judgement! We're all in this together, and in my experience Sanders fans are very welcoming. Most of us learned about him in the last six months or so. I know there are some people out there giving us a bad reputation -- don't worry, we don't like them either. For what Sanders is all about, www.feelthebern.org is a great resource. Also, if anyone wants to have a serious debate on the issues I'm sure we could make it happen. In short, he's about getting rid of all the corruption in politics, increasing wages, getting the middle class back, and making government work for the people again. Here's a short list of info. He's been saying many of the below for decades: Stop giving subsidies to fossil fuels Start taking climate change seriously as the biggest crisis of our time Impose more regulation on the financial industry to stop another crisis (which he was also saying before the crash) Stop spending ludicrous amounts of money on the military and start using it on infrastructure Don't go to war, and especially if you can't help your veterans afterwards Voted against the Iraq War Raise taxes on the richest Use some of that money to make college free and reduce student loans Universal healthcare Demilitarize the police force Require body cameras for law enforcement officers Investigate and prosecute police officers who break the law One of the most pro-civil rights voting records in Washington One of the most pro-LGBT voting records in Washington Make marijuana a state's issue, and take it off the federal list of dangerous drugs Increase worker's rights, and make it harder for workers to be exploited Automatic voting registration for everyone, no matter what A path to citizenship for undocumented immigrants Protect our environment, and expand our national parks Most importantly, he's about fixing government. You know how we talk about politicians as liars and cheats? Well, he's just as frustrated about that as you are, and we have video of Bernie saying the same things for thirty years. Washington has kind of just ignored him for a while, and the rest of us didn't know him. That's rapidly changing, though. He really is the real thing. I wouldn't support him if he wasn't. We'd love to have you!

/r/SandersForPresident Thread