Convincing my parents to let me do DCI

If you’ve already signed the contract, I’d hate to see you back out because they’re probably counting on you. However, assuming you were offered the contract but haven’t signed it yet, I would personally consider financials. I’d hate to spend thousands of dollars on tour just to turn around and need to pay for college. If you can get a summer internship in mechanical engineering, man take that and march next year. Now…I did Legends straight out of high school and I have to say that DCI was the best experience ever. Not only did I gain music and drill knowledge, I learned valuable life lessons too. Most importantly time management. Plus all the connections that you make within the corps, those last a lifetime and you’ll always have them. I still talk with those I marched with.

Whichever you decide, just make sure yoy march sometime before you age-out. If you don’t, you’ll probably regret it. Whatever you choose man, I wish you the best!

/r/drumcorps Thread