Have you coping strategies for dating/ initiating relationships?

Hahaha fuck me I had this exact experience!! Acid will def make you open up. For me it was great, we had sex and made a deal to be friends with benefits forever. Going on 4 years now. She dates, I date but we still do our thing. We both don't want to date each other but we also both deeply love each other. She is BPD too and we have known each other since we were kids.

If she is having a bad day she can call me up (we live like 750km apart) and I can reassure her that no matter what I will always love her and vice versa. I only just learned I am BPD, she has known for about a year.

Most likely people will say this isn't healthy and I am unsure if it is or not. What I do know is she is my rock and she feels the same for me.

This is my round about way of saying that you never know what may happen if you put yourself out there, you may find out this person is looking for someone like you. I never in a million years thought this girl would become such a huge part of my life, I always had a huge crush on her but didn't think she felt the same. One acid fueled night later and she has been my most stable "relationship" I have ever had. I would never gotten there without opening up.

The weirdest thing? I don't have all those typical BPD feelings towards her. Its like I know she has sex with other guys/girls. She knows I do too. We go months without seeing each other or even talking sometimes and yet I never catch myself getting worked up about her "leaving". When we do meet up we talk about everything have sex and just hold each other for hours. I am fucking blessed don't think I don't realize that but man....without that one night on adis this wouldn't exist!

If he still seems interested than I would go for it. I mean I know if someone says they love me randomly and I don't I usually stop talking to that person. Sounds like he digs what your planting!

/r/BPD Thread Parent