Costa Rica celebrates 113 days of 100-percent renewable energy (and counting)

And you've let a cushy environment blind you to the realities of the human condition.

The Jean Rostand effect- Empathy distortion on a large scale. How this is relevant, unless it affects them personally in some way the vast majority of humanity will only have a vague opinion towards a particular issue. Be it genocide in Africa, War in Ukraine, or the vast scale of climate change.

My point is at its basest level greed is just desire. The desire for food, the desire for comfort, the desire to live. It is neither good nor evil to start with, it just is and I would say that to every great and good person in history with a straight face.

Your plan such as it is will hurt people, real people, with real families and real wants, needs and hurts. You want me to respect how you feel about this? Tell me you wouldn't feel the Jean Rostand effect, tell me you could look a man in the eye and take everything he's worked for all his life for the sake of your goal and feel empathy for that person and do it anyways. That empathy is what separates monsters and ivory tower robots from leaders. Honestly I still won't believe you but at least you could hold your convictions without some misguided sense of moral superiority.

Socialism and communism will continue to prove the adage that the road to hell is paved with good intentions long after you and I are gone.

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