Covid vaccine for under 5s

Again - you fail to present any logical reason why your argument is valid -- you are just trying to make it seem like everyone else are sheep or following status quo blindly or not open to debate. But your type of debate is not worth engaging because its not logical debate. Instead of presenting legit scientific evidence to support your claims you bring personal anecdotes, beliefs, and red herrings. That's why people were considering you a troll.

As for your condescending remark about teaching me, I'm a biology professor. You don't need to teach me - I am professionally trained to collect and analyse data, be skeptical and critical, and to strive for new (and sometimes contrary) knowledge. Perhaps you should enroll in a basic biology course if you do not understand the biology behind vaccines or need a refresher.

I'm full aware of some issues with the pharma industry. But those do not explain 200 years of vaccine science and the overwhelming consensus of the scientific community. Before you claim the scientific community is simply in the pockets of pharma...well shoot, when do i get my check?! /s

/r/beyondthebump Thread Parent