Crackhead knocks on his drug dealer's door at 3am

We're well beyond the statute of limitations on this, so I'll devolve my 18 year old mindset. I moved from a rural area to a more urban one. The job I was working afforded me a connection no one had back home. By default this made me a person that could provide a better quality of something for less than anyone else. I picked the handful of people to deal with in larger quantities and made 2-3 times my normal paycheck for a week of honest work. Why did I quit after less than a year? My supplier was dumb (he met with me in a different completely conspicuous vehicles) and got himself busted by the FBI. I took the hint and gave up the side hustle. The time behind bars does not make up for income earned in a brief amount of time. You're always better off with legit income over the long-run.

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