Self post! Me forming a band drunk as hell

No music or one practice came from this line up. This was 5 years ago. I'm the one who is so fucking drunk. First and last time I had tequila and it was also the first time I had limes. I was 16. I had about 14 shots that night. Cops came because about 15 people were drinking and smoking on the front lawn and all ran in dropping their plastic cups on the ground. The cops made everyone sit in the living room, I asked to go to the bathroom, cops said no. I don't remember saying this but my guitarist tells me I turned to him and said "I fucking hate cops" and puked on the floor and my hands in front of everyone. The cops let me go to the bathroom. In the bathroom my drunk self thought it would be a good idea to delete my moms number from my phone. bad idea because I needed to call her the cops said or I would be sent to the hospital for detox, took me a while but I figured it out through texts.

Whole band got to ride in the back of a cop car. I wish I had the audio for when the guitarist called his girlfriend and left a message, I can't remember what was on it but we were all trying to talk to her. I was puking in a trash can at the police station, at some point went to the bathroom and feel asleep pooping. Woke up to someone knocking on the door... Waiting at the police station took forever (the party was 30 miles away) and my mom was the last parent to come (she got lost because she never heard of the town). It was the morning at that point and she thought it would be good for me to have some food. Still being dumb I told her I wanted Mountain Dew White Out as a drink because it was new. Little did I know I had developed a taste aversion to limes! Thanks tequila. I ended up not drinking anymore after this, the most I have had was a mike's hard and I've been 21 for a while now. Drinking just never appealed to me like it use to.

No clue why I took the video but I'm glad I did

/r/tooktoomuch Thread Link -