"Crazy Ex's" of reddit. What is your side of the story?

I was a little crazy, and probably come off as a jerk from the outside perspective of the whole ordeal, but behind closed doors she was really mean. I won't say I was perfect, and I won't say my actions look very defendable from those who knew us- but fuck them. It wasn't their life or their choice. I dealt with the fallout with as much dignity as I could muster.

She always wanted something from me. Always. Sex, or comfort, or just a person she could drag along. The constant subtle hints she was dangling some guy she had gone out with at one time and myself on a scale. She knew what she was doing, and she did it in half-truths and hard to pin down statements to keep me on my toes.

She also had a habit of making me do things I didn't particularly want to do. Her lack of give and take on the subject began to wear me down. If she wanted to do something, I had to do it, but if I wanted to do something- fuck no she wasn't going to.

Four years in and I realized she was starting to change who I was as a person, and as I looked out into the future I realized it was probably a really shitty one. So I did the only thing I could think of doing, set my teeth down and broke up over text. Took advantage of the distance to avoid confrontation, and basically amputated the relationship with radio silence.

Lot of people began to turn on me after that, friends of friends I used to be on good terms with stopped talking to me. When I started dating someone new there were doors shutting in my face once people saw who I was. Honestly didn't care to find out what was said about me, but I'm positive it wasn't very nice.

It was a critical and defining period of time for me. I'm much happier with it all behind me. Now I don't give a fuck about much of anything, and the problem is solved.

/r/AskReddit Thread