"Crazy" girlfriends of Reddit, what's YOUR side of the story?

He was the weird kid in school, I identified as gay, we kinda hit it off friendship wise and became best friends. He was not hesitant to let me know every day that he was in love with me and if only I wasnt gay, etc. He got in my head, that sounds so stupid and simple to say.. But thats how it all happened. I cant stand up for myself and I didnt have any other friends, my family hated me. So I gave in, and he became my boyfriend.

2 days later I told him I just couldnt do it, and he showed up at my house with blood gushing down his arms from slitting his wrists. He begged me to be with him. I gave in. He had a tattoo for me, not my name but something most def. Related to me on his arm a few weeks later.

I got pregnant the first and only time we had sex. FML.

My uncle immediatly requested I get an abortion, my brother convinced me to tell him that I had a miscarriage, took me to get the abortion. I left without doing it and immediatly got kicked out of my moms house, my brother told me "you just fucked up you should have done it and cause he just broke up with your dumb ass"

I went right back to PP and got an abortion.

My brother told him I did so. Anyway after about a year of his constant harrassment including but not limited to stalking threatening etc. If Im honest with myself.... I got ran out of town.. My brother and him told everyone in town that I had an abortion and I just felt so. .. Embarassed to be me I couldnt go in public I still didnt have friends and my family still hated me.

Anyway, my entire home town thinks Im a whore, a murdered, and Im bat shit crazy.

Sometimes I think I was. I remember being on the phone with him just screaming at me that he wanted me to die and bla bla bla, and I didnt really hear him as much as I was thinking to myself. .. "Holy shit are you crazy, how the fuck did you get here in this shitty fucking life"

I moved a few hours away, havent talked to my family or anyone in that town in years.

Worst time of my life hands down.

/r/AskReddit Thread