[Critique] 40/M -- tell me what you think, and be kind.

  1. Your six things only has 5 things

  2. Foods: Rather than specific foods, I like different cuisines. Say: Korean. Or Italian. Or Vietnamese. OK - dishes? I like grilled calamari with linguine with EVOO. I like beef bibimbap with egg. Or if we're talking Brazilian: bife a cavalo. That's a grilled steak (I like mine medium rare) with a fried egg on top, served with rice and beans and salad.

    If you're going to talk about cuisines, talk about cuisines. Don't pivot and list dishes after you've said you'd much rather talk about cuisines. It makes it look like you're indecisive

  3. I'm not the biggest fan of emojis in dating profiles, even though I do use them occasionally in chat/messaging. There might be people who will be turned off by them, but there probably won't be anyone who will be turned off by their absence so might as well do away with them.

  4. I spend a lot of time thinking about Why we're here, and what we're bound to do.

    This seems to be one of those phrases that seems deep but doesn't really mean anything to me, but I'm not much of a dreamer so to speak, so idk if you want to take my opinion about this. Most great profiles I've seen use this section to talk about things they care about (which I guess you've already gone over in your first section) or to crack jokes/drop conversation "hooks" that people can use to message them

  5. You should message me if

    This again is a section that is used to give people something to message you about. I don't know if this is also true for older women, but women (and also men I guess) SUCK at finding things to talk about. Hence the whole "Hey" first message trope. You can make it easier for people to talk to you if you give them some prompts, e.g.

    You should message me if you have suggestions for new (post 2010) science fiction series.

    Or suggest possible date activities or things they can do with a partner in the future, e.g.

    if you're looking for a trivia partner who can carry the team in Art rounds. Suggestions for trivia places that have Art rounds are also very welcome!

  6. I also think you're overdoing the whole feminist/consuming media by female artists bit but maybe the sub ladies should weigh in on that.

  7. I think your second picture is actually your best one, and should be your main pic.

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