Crowds gathered at National Mall to watch Blue Angels, Thunderbirds flyover

It’s not the fault of these idiots... they don’t know any better. The government is to blame. There are ways to handle the masses to ensure they conform for the sake of public safety but it’s not being done out of fear of losing votes/funding.

My states opened up parks this weekend and I went to walk around at 6:30 in the morning. The playground was closed but the swing-set had no signs. I was the only one there so I sat on the swing and in about ten minutes two cop cars showed up and asked me via megaphone if I could read the signs that the playground was closed. Through that, they forced me off snd I kept it moving with no arguments. It's easy to intimidate a small solo female... show your might to The crowd above as well. I’ve yet to see the police do anything other than stand around them.

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