Cubs looking to make White House visit before Obama leaves office and Trump takes over

Refusing to the condemn the KKK

I haven't heard that one so no comment.

calling Mexicans criminals and rapists

I already clarified I'm not a Trump supporting at all, but at least take issue with a politician's actual points and dont misrepresent them. Trump didn't say "Mexicans are rapists and criminals." He said that illegal immigrants are disproportionately committing crimes, which they absolutely are. That's why the Obama White House deported a record number of immigrants and over 90% of them were previously convicted criminals.

all the promises of deportation.

How are promises of deportation any different than what's currently going on? In the last 8 years, more immigrants been deported than under all 20th century presidents combined. Record high numbers of immigrants were deported in multiple calendar years under the current administration.

Now I'm sure someone will reply here that he's only talking about undocumented people. Yes, Cubs players are here legally. But they likely have loved ones who are not, so the comments still affect them.

What keeps someone from legally immigrating to the US? Especially if they have a family member in the MLB (just going off your hypothetical). I'm not on one side of the fence, just genuinely curious why people are opposed to making sure non-citizens immigrate to the US legally. That they don't have criminal records.

Look up the story about Adrian Gonzalez asking that he not stay at Trump Tower when the Dodgers were playing here.

Yeah I mean, I expect players to not like Trump. I expect some players might not be thrilled about visiting Trump, but I don't see the whole mass boycot thing happening from a team perspective.

A main topic of presidential campaigns for the last quarter century has always been anchored on immigration. Right side says, "we'll deport more." Left side say, "we won't." Ultimately the needle hasn't moved significantly and people still get so bent out of shape about it. Except for the time when the needle actually soared, under Obama's presidency, and record numbers of immigrants were deported. (Not anti-Obama, just wondering why there's a disproportionate amount of concern when his administration deports millions. At least compared to Trump saying he's going to do the same, to criminals).

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