Current or former sex workers, what is your opinion of your customers? [Serious]

/u/laurelizombie hasn't replied but yes, it was horrifying. Mostly because that's only one of a dozen or so comments. There are comments about how attractive women are "ego-centric, parasitic, entitled, automatically tolerated and/or forgiven, and unashamed", that girls "only want to fuck a guy who's rich and famous". That women "casually lie about what they desire in a man... You DON'T want a man who has his shit together... When you have sex, you want that smelly long-haired ape that grunts with correct pitch and timing. Then you want the other guy to take care of his kid." There's the one about how women who wear makeup are hypocrites You talk about how women aren't able to tell whether they love a man or not which is why they date men who hurt them, and you say that men think of women as men without rationality.

I usually don't get offended by reddit comments but I walked away from your comment history disgusted.

I think /u/laurelizombie is right here. The common denominator seems to be you. I think /u/laurelizombie has given you some great advice, look introspectively and work on yourself before blaming women for your problems.

You right in saying you have a lot going for you; you're educated, employed and have your own home, but unfortunately your personality lets you down. Stability is just a bonus for a man to have; he could be a millionaire and I still wouldn't date him if he was hung up on his own self pity.

I'm not sure if you've spoken to someone about depression but reading your comments you mention depression and suicidal ideations a fair bit. If you haven't spoken to a professional about this it could be a positive starting point.

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