[CW] Write a short 2-dimensional story out of single paragraph blocks in a 3x3 matrix that tells a unique and coherent story when read across any row or down any column.


Thanks! I really enjoied writing this, you came up with a creative [CW]

What did you think about writing it? Did you encounter any complexities that introduced opportunity or difficulty that you don't usually run into?

It feels a bit like solving a story jigsaw, the first few pieces are easy but as more are added you have to start re-jumbling the ideas to solve the puzzle.

Having pulled it off, what would you re-prompt someone else to do that would build on it?

Given an NxN story matrix, calculates its eigenvalues and eigenvectors.. Kidding :D

So i’ve been thinking about this idea of a Story State Machine,

Each state could represent a story square and the transitions between states are diverging paths within a story. Its alternative branches. For Example:

Start State (q0):  Jill wakes up late, “SHIT!”, i’ve got that job interview.. Etc
Branch (q0->q1): Jill brews a coffee to get her head straight and takes her time 
Branch (q0->q2): In a panic Jill throws on whatever and runs out the door
State(q1):  Some outcome 
State(q2):  Some Different outcome 

However you can have any number of start, intermediate or end states. So you might have 3 different character arcs where the decisions of one impacts another depending on which patch you follow through the story.

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