As a D1 player for 2.5 years, just wanted to check how D2 is so far?


  • Stunningly beautiful world to explore

  • Good story especially compared to D1

  • Stuff explained like an in-game tutorial from the beginning for newbies unlike D1

  • Public events are super fun

  • Clans in-built into game, easily accessible with rewards for everyone as you do weekly/daily activities.

  • Guided games for solo players so they can be matchmade with others

  • Great music

CONS * Strikes are boring with little reward compared to grinding public events for same amount of time

  • Medals are gone from strikes/crucible

  • No random rolls on guns so there's no drive to seek any new gear out. Everyone ends up using the same damned guns instead of testing out new stuff in the crucible or PvE.

  • Raid gear have no 100% helpful perk like say cocoon or move faster carrying orb in King's Fall

  • Join a clan get free raid gear anyways

  • Once you get 290-300+ there's no real incentive to keep doing the end-game activities because all gear has the same rolls, perks

  • The raid feels like punishment for solo-ing & cheesing D1 raids

  • Exotics drop like candy, again no incentive for players to keep doing activities if they have it all

  • Machine guns are gone

  • Nightfall has a new mechanic where it is timed. It's alright some weeks just not this one.

  • Most egregious is the vault. The wacky almost non-existent sorting options.

Day 1 D1 player with 2100 hours plus 200 each on X1 and alt accounts. No cheese of deleted characters or same class for either D1 or D2.

Of course my opinion doesn't matter as it's mostly negative lol I'm putting the game on the back burner while grinding out another 3 characters on alt account.

/r/DestinyTheGame Thread