DAE feel like most of us are dealing with anxiety or depression or some kind of mental trauma ever since the pandemic affected our lives

I recently got out of my depression after being in it for multiple years. I came to the conclusion that my depression was mostly negative thoughts towards myself. They were assumptions of what people might of thought of me, so I started to believe what people might think of me and I also started saying those things towards myself. I filled in assumptions (which were always negative). I realized that every situation has 2 outcomes. A positive one and a negative one, I always focused on the negative one, not even realizing things can turn out positively. I lived my life in a way that I wanted to please others, that I never thought about what I wanted. I couldn't get out of the cycle. Do what YOU want. Dont let other people affect the way you feel and if they do, try to analyze yourself why they get to do that and if they should be allowed to.

/r/DoesAnybodyElse Thread