HAE ever deleted a comment because it wasn't worth the crap you were getting for it?

I've deleted long comments full of well-researched facts on stuff I actually know about. Even kept a few in a txt file just for reposting with links and shit.

Most often when u post outside specialist domains about something, someone will dogpile u with a quick comment just dismissing all you said and downvote you. His numbskull cronies will immediately upvote him and downvote you, in my case, usually cause what I know about isn't common to be interested in if you are low on cash.

And those annoy me, cause its more a sign of them either reading a halfarsed put-the-fine-ass-people-down-bro argument that is a half truth at best or just a get-outta-here statement and let the pack lie/diss on the stuff I know about, in a generic subreddit or one not related to the specialist area.

/r/DoesAnybodyElse Thread