Daily Discussion Megathread - April 03 | Questions, images, videos, comments, unconfirmed reports, theories, suggestions

"it’s good that they are setting a target for 25,000 tests [antigen tests that show if people have the virus] per day by the end of April [Hancock aspires to reach 100,000 a day in England for all types of tests, including antibody tests]" - Guardian At this point ot is clear the government failed to prepare, they didnt do enough testing and didnt trace and contain enough (if at all) while throwing out the herd imunity theory. They are now having to play catch up with testing but to have so many tests conducted after the peak, which late april could possibly be (for london atleast) so whats the bet that instead of conducting more covid 19 tests on the public they just give the public antibody tests and try to get them back to work? And yes antibody tests are important and so is reopening the country but to soon and you could have a second outbreak on your hands. Just look at jia county in china, they are now having a second lockdown to prevent it resurfacing. Im just extremely sceptical about the true intentions of this pledge to increase testing by the end of april as they said they would increase testing weeks ago but still only conduct about 10,000 a day. Just wondering if anyone else has these reservations about this new pledge.

/r/CoronavirusUK Thread