Daily Discussion Thread: 01/01/2018

Welcome back to MPW!

NEXT WEEK'S POSE: Abdominal and Thigh

Welcome back to another installment of Mandatory Pose Wednesday! Were hitting FLS today.

1) Place your feet approximately shoulder width apart, with your toes pointed out in a “V” shape. Rotate the knees outwards so they are over the feet. This should force the quads to contract.

2) Ball both your hands into a fist but leave the thumbs sticking out, resembling a “thumbs up” position.

3) Reach towards the bottom rear of your rib cage with your thumbs to lock your hands in place. Next rotate your hands so that the back of the hand is facing up, and the side fist is facing front. The trick with this is to make sure your elbows do not drift too far to the front. They still need to be pointed out to the sides to create the maximum illusion of width.

4) Pull your Lats out as wide as you can, while sticking your chest up and flexing the pectorals. What you are trying to create here is a dramatic “V” taper with your shoulder to waist ratio. The thicker your waist naturally is, the more puffed up chest will need to be in order to try to create the illusion of a narrow waist. If you are gifted with a naturally tiny waist, you may not need to “puff” the chest out as much to achieve the same or better effect.

5) Finally stick out your rear end slightly to activate the hip flexors and Sartorius muscles in the legs. In addition to activating the leg muscles you want to achieve a slight tilt forward, taking into consideration that the judges will be below you. If you stand too straight or lean back the angle will not be as flattering from the view below. Give the judges a good view of your size. A good rule of thumb is if you can see the judges comfortably, then it should be about the right angle.





Phil and Kai

What were here for:

Critique the pose, not the poser.

Everybody is welcome to participate, this aint mirin mondays so dont worry about the status of your bulk or cut. We are here to improve.

Every pose can be hit in more than one fashion.

Individual criticisms tailored to the posters physique are absolutely welcome!

Lets see them lats bois - Nick

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