This "Daily Show" skit shocked me the most. I don't even know what "normal" is anymore.

You don't have to feel like this country went entirely crazy though. I see people like you struggling to understand how this happened.

This graph is the one that sums it up best.

The people who always vote Republican pretty much kept voting Republican, but to a slightly lesser extent than previously. This is fine.

The problem was that the vast numbers who went out to vote for Obama did not do the same for Clinton. That's all. That's the reason this election went the way it did.

Don't let anyone try to say America changed allegiance. Don't let anyone say independents moved to the right. Don't believe that there's suddenly an insurgence of Nazis taking over. This election didn't go this way because of them. They got LESS votes overall for their side than they did in the last two elections.

The only people to blame for this election are the ones who were opposed to the Republicans who did not support the Democrats. Was that because they didn't like what the DNC did? Yes, most likely. Not all of them, but a large majority. But that still means something about who is in this country.

That still makes charts like this one super important. It means that these loudest voices we hear right now are NOT the majority. It means that the majority is still sane, still rational, still believes in American ideals. It just means that those people need to be reached clearer. It means that they need to be much more incentivized to get out and vote next time around.

And that can be done. That can be done easily. It was easy enough in 2008 and it still was easy in 2012. If the DNC learns from this mistake, if the people who didn't like the DNC learn from this mistake, then we can fix things soon enough.

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