Dating advice from tumblr

I'm responding to this in particular because it's the only worthwhile response thus far. I do cede that taking this advice 100% would eliminate a lot of relationships (romantic and friendly) that are totally worthwhile with people who do care about equality.

Sadly, though, I never said anyone should only take this advice, which is something you decided to believe.

If feminists include everyone who believes in equality as 'feminist', why would you have a problem with adopting the label and helping to broaden the scope of who feminists are and what it means, especially if it already includes the 'vast majority of westerners'? (Note that you didn't get berated for providing an unsupported 'statistical' fact against feminism)

Moving this logic to other realms, should I refrain from calling myself a fan of hiphop because it automatically means I don't like any other genre, that self-identifying as a hiphop fan somehow demeans other genres, or that the genre is so popular I should take it as a given that everyone is a fan and self-identifying is redundant? I just don't see why using the label 'feminist' is much different from using any other label to describe one's interests or beliefs, but people seem to put that word on a pedestal and have particular beliefs regarding 'labels' when it comes to that one that they don't when talking about self-given labels in general.

I'm totally open to an explanation that voids my earlier statement, but so far all I see is 'you can have self-respect and a desire for equality without being feminist therefore feminism is dumb, I can clearly divine your personal belief system from this one comment, and your personal experience is invalid'. Which is fine, I guess, but not very persuasive.

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