Dating is hard with bipolar, but always remember this sage advice.

I absolutely agree with your take on things, especially the co opting of our language and terms to exaggerate tweets that really only describe "normal" human behaviour.

I turn 46 very soon......More then two decades of fighting this stuff, identity issues, drug trials, hospitalizations and damaged or non existent relationships.

Always searching for the "magic bullet" solution that would "fix" me......and I am so very, very tired.

I am currently moving towards acceptance. I do not have control over the chemical balance in my head and I never will. I have no more control over the chemicals in my head then a person who is unknowingly drugged. It has never been a question of "will" . We try so damn hard! Constantly monitoring and managing and then our brain chemical mixture "decides "to change, and things happen and we torture ourselves for not being strong enough. I can't do that's killing me. I will continue to manage things as best I can but I'm so fucking done with thinking I'm this failure who has no self control......I'm only still around because of my self control.

So yeah.....I shift......I'm all over the place but my strategy of isolating to prevent damage due to manic episodes is not helping me. I think people may just need to accept that I am for a intents and purposes, a bunch of different "people" walking around in the same body. I have lost my ability or desire to wear "a false face" while interacting with others.....I can't do it anymore.....

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