Dealing with the psychological burden of knowing things our culture doesn't want us to know, and what to do with this knowledge

Great post Magnora7. You are right that this sub looks like how reddit used to look many yrs ago. That's why I come to /r/conspiracy first to get my news. I'm sure I'm not alone in this. If I am bored with the latest Hillary thing I'll go to /r/news.

All I can say about the psychology is this: Stay true to yourself, your convictions and your integrity. At the end of the day, it's what you'll carry with you beyond this life (if you believe in that kind of thing. If you don't it's what you carry to the end of this one.)

Last weekend I found myself at my father's birthday party surrounded by his friends---neocon baby boomer retirees. Something brought up 9/11 (I believe the subject of conspiracies came up) and I spoke my mind about it, but the NYC firefighter there (who believes the official) chimed in and started speaking down to me like I was crazy, saying we just had to focus on our families because there was nothing we could do about it even if it were true. I had to hold my tongue thereafter, but if it had just been me and not my dad's party, I'd have been more aggressive with my opinion on it. Dad kind of shut it all down by shouting 'Bilderbergers'. I was so proud.

Then I thought about it some more, and I realized that if and when we win 9/11 it will be us that did it, not the 'self centered NYC firefighter who inherited 1M from his family'.

At that time, if people like him try to claim any victory, be sure to call them out, publicly, loudly, and as often as you can, shaming them until they go home and shoot themselves to death. Because this is what they deserve for being complicit in treasonous evil.

Chances are though, that will not happen. Instead, these people will continue on being psychopathically self-justifying in anything they do--for better or worse. Because our culture has become so demoralized and integrityless that even bad attention like lindsay lohan or justin beiber or madonna (or 100 others...) still gets paid, still gets fed by the public eye, still makes more shit for us to eat.

This behaivor of never taking responsibility, accountability or thinking of the impact of their behavior on the larger community is the the hallmark of a true American Narcissist, "the Star"--are you a 'star'? This is why my recommendation is that when you find one, you turn your back on them forever and don't feel one ounce of pity or remorse. They will get by, because there are many good people in america that will feed you even if you're a terrible liar, fraud, jackoff who dominates the conversation for hours.

Anyway because of this, I'm convinced that 911 truth won't be had and instead America's complete demoralization, corruption and depravity is going to cause it to collapse by late 2017, because people don't care about anything but themselves and so they don't see what's going on around them. When the collapse happens, you better be living on a few acres of your own, surrounded by a big fence and with water on it, because the grid will go down and you'll run out of gas and will need to fend for yourselves.

I don't feel bad about a bunch of people having a bad time when this happens. The only people I really care about this affecting is actually this community here, the redditors of /r/conspiracy and 911truth; because like myself they're the ones who have been fighting for victory all this time.

/r/conspiracy Thread