Dear Devs - Disabled Gamer - AutoRun

Damn, didn't know they disabled this. I actually made a version of this back in February which not only gave you toggle autorun on keyboard, but also it working on a controller as well. (still pc tho)

I also made a toggle push to talk button that worked on a controller as well.

```//Toggle for push to talk, press the y key to toggle on or off

alias autotalk "talkingon" alias talkingon "+pushtotalk; bind Y talkingoff" // <<<< Change the Y here to rebind <<<< alias talkingoff "-pushtotalk; bind Y talkingon" // <<<< Change the Y here to rebind <<<<

//Toggles push to talk

bind "y" "autotalk" // <<<< Change the "Y" here to rebind, make sure you keep the quotations <<<<```

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