Dear reddit people, what is a good/healthy hobby to start for someone with depression?

So this is my first post, I'm a bit of a lurker but this post made me want to share:

I had depression and after I came close to suicide I decided I was going to try doing something with what I had physical control over, so I began doing bodyweights in my room and just getting aware of how I was eating.

Exercise helps so much! I think it's the main reason why I'm alive today, those endorphins and just watching yourself change physically gave me a boost. Now don't get me wrong it was quite a drag to begin with, plus I didn't have a lot of the knowledge or the most balanced programs but it all helped. After motivation lagged I had to rely on discipline... best way to do it is get a routine and tell yourself your are allowed to miss max one workout.

Suggestions for strength training: - A guy called Mark Lauren does a bodyweight program, he has a book but you can just buy the app (YAYOG - you are your own gym) for a small sum and it allows you to interchange exercises easily based on level of experience. I began it and saw some real changes then went off and tried bodybuilding and later powerlifting now back on his routine for a bit. - People who go to the gym are rarely pricks, a lot of the time they're excited to introduce someone into their hobby and give their opinion so don't be afraid! I'd suggest finding a gym partner it helps with consistency - Some friends got me into powerlifting, once you get over the initial learning phase it's an interesting hobby, you can get very strong but not overly big and if you train right you can reduce muscle soreness. - Diet is important depending on what you want to do but I thought I'd not go into it so much for initial post.

I know it's hard, I only rebounded after I hit rock bottom but I don't know where I'd be without working out... cliché I know but it was something I manged to grasp

/r/AskReddit Thread