[Inven] Inven reacts to Deilor's interview with Travis, "I thought we had a really good chance against SKT"

Watch Rekkles' interview with Kelsey Moser and compare what Rekkles said to what Deilor said. Not once did Deilor say they lost because KOO was the better team, or because KOO played better, he said 2 reasons: They were not mentally prepared, and they were exhausted. Rekkles did not say they were exhausted. He DID say they were mentally weak after game 1 because of how close they were to winning it, as well as the lead they had maintained up until they lost.

What Rekkles outlined and admitted, was that they obviously didn't play up to their usual level (Which is obviously true) as well as the things I mentioned above, but Delior said none of it. He said none of it at all. He didn't mention KOO played well. He didn't mention Fnatic played bad. All he said was, and from what myself and Inven and the rest of the people that are flaming right now can gather from Delior's comment is: He said the SOLE reasons, okay? The SOLE reasons that Fnatic lost to KOO Tigers in the Semi Final best of 5, was because, they were not mentally prepared, AND, they were exhausted.

Not the fact that, they made uncharacteristic errors and decisions in game, not the fact that, KOO played much better than them when it came to the mid and late game decision making, picks and overall teamplay in the first 2 games.

The reason Koreans especially are frustrated by this, is because Deilor did not mention KOO Tigers' performance in their match, nor his teams' performance and that those were also contributing factors to their 3-0 loss. That's why people are angry. Pick and bans also.

The reason why it's not legitimate, is because it isn't. How can you be exhausted? You arrived to Brussels a week prior to the semi, so did KOO Tigers. So unless they went out drinking the night's before, they should be in tip-top shape. This match was played during the day. How can you be exhausted? FROM WHAT?

Additionally, OG hasn't said a thing about exhaustion. When they were called up on the interview lounge with Sjokz, xPeke and Mithy said they lost because SKT played better, they made mistakes in particular areas of play, they did not say anything along the lines of, "oh we lost because we weren't mentally prepared heading into the match and we were tired coz we were binging the other day"

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